باسکول 700 کیلویی پیام توزین مدل TS700

700 kg Payam tozin scale, TS700 model


700 kg Payam tozin scale, TS700 model

۲۳,۷۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان

Key product specifications:

  • 700 kg capacity
  • Accuracy 100 grams
  • The dimensions of the sole are 80 x 80 cm
  • The height of the column is 75 cm
  • The ability to install LCD and LED displays


700 kg payam tozin scale TS700 model is considered one of the best-selling mobile digital scales, which has anti-scratch and electrostatic black and orange color and 4 ivory wheels are designed for ease of use. It has made mobile work such as agriculture, warehousing, iron sales, etc. easy and attractive.

700 kg scale TS700 payam tozin

The weighing capacity of the TS700 700 kg scale is 700 kg, which will weigh objects with high reliability and accurate weighing. The accuracy of measurement in this scale is the same as the 500 kg scale of the TS500 model, which is equal to 100 grams. In fact, it can be said that the nature of the 700 kg scale of Payam Tozin is the same as the half-ton scale of this brand, with the difference that the dimensions of the TS 700 scale pan are equal to 80 x 80 cm. The possibility of tare to calculate the net weight can be considered one of the praiseworthy features of this scale.

This mobile digital scale is made of chassis and skeleton with extremely strong metal material, which is resistant to mechanical and physical shocks. The screen of the 700 kg payam tozin scale can vary depending on the user’s business, for example, a group of mobile business users would like to buy a scale with an LCD display so that they can easily see the numbers in the sunlight. , and another group wants LED displays for ease of reading at night.

Payam Tozin mobile digital scale charging capability

The most attractive feature that has made payamtozin scales popular is the ability to charge and store it for a long time (a week or more). Because the most important criterion for the majority of users of this category of scales is the amount of charge retention. Therefore, most of the time, the only question that users may have is, how long will this mobile scale hold a charge??

The 700 kg scale of Payam Tozin model TS700 has a column height of 75 cm and is also equipped with a guard and a side protector to support the goods.

To buy, advise and receive the updated price of the 700 kg Payam Touzin TS700 scale, contact the sales experts of Payam Tozin company.

نام محصول:

Payam Tozin scale




700 kg


100 grams

ابعاد کفه:

80 x 80 cm

ارتفاع ستون:

75 cm

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14 months




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